Category: Photography

Panoramia @ MIT Museum

Panoramia is a self-portrait studio. I created Panoramia by taking an everyday technology (iPhone’s camera feature) and wondering about how it could be used differently. Panoramia uses a…

Panoramia – The Ultimate Selfie Booth!

This is my upcoming project for an exhibit at the MIT Museum! Here are some shots from recent test runs!! 😀  

Exhibit at the Media Lab, MIT

March 14, 2015. On Pi Day (i.e. 3.14/2015), I exhibited a series of my panorama photographs under the theme “Water” as a part of the Graduate Arts Soiree…

Panorama Photos

Smart phones these days come built in with a panorama feature that enables one to take a continuous image with an elongated field of view. This panorama feature…

Great great grandfather

My great grandfather died under mysterious circumstances, no one knows the full story. The villagers wouldn’t tell us what happened, so we assumed he had some sort of…

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