If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
– Isaac Newton

My research philosophy is to work on problems that not only advance our understanding of the fundamental questions in optimization and machine learning, but often also has a positive impact on the society through ensuring algorithmic fairness.
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* Note that starred journal papers also have a preliminary conference version with the number mentioned in paranthesis. 

Working Papers:
Index. TitleVenueAreaNotes
51Navigating the Social Welfare Frontier: Portfolios for Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning – with Woo Kim, Moondra, Verma, Pollack, Kong, TambeUnder submissionreinforcement learning, fairnessarxiv
Papers under revision:
50Promise of Graph Sparsification and Decomposition for Noise Reduction in QAOA: Analysis for Trapped-Ion Compilations – with Moondra, Mohler, LotshawRevise and Resubmit, Quantumquantum computingarxiv
49Improving Clinical Decision Support through Interpretable Machine Learning and Error Correction in Electronic Health Records – with Arora, Mortagy, Dwarshius, Holder, Kamaleswaran3nd Round of Revision at Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)healthcarearxiv
48Walking in the Shadow: A New Perspective on Descent Directions for Constrained Minimization with Mortagy and PokuttaMajor revision at Mathematics of Operations Research (#18)continuous optimizationarxiv
47Algorithmic Challenges in Ensuring Fairness at the Time of Decision with Salem and KambleMinor Revision at Operations Research* (#25)fairness, learning, pricingarxiv
46Reducing the Filtering Effect in Public School Admissions: A Bias-aware Analysis for Targeted Interventions with Faenza and Zhang2nd major revision at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM)* (#37)fairness, admissionsarxiv
Published (or Accepted) papers:
45Equitably allocating wildfire resilience investments for power grids: The curse of aggregation and vulnerability indices – with Pollack, Piansky, Kody and MolzahnApplied Energy (forthcoming)equity, power systems, wildfire, sustainability
44Fair and Reliable Reconnections for Temporary Disruptions in Electric Distribution Networks using Submodularity – with Hettle and MolzahnINFORMS Journal on Computing 2025 (forthcoming)power systems, optimization, approximation
arxiv | github
43Balancing Notions of Equity: Approximation Algorithms for Fair Portfolio of Solutions in Combinatorial Optimization – with Moondra, SinghSODA 2025fairness, approximation algorithmsarxiv
42Quantum Optimization: Potential, Challenges, and the Path Forward – with 40+ authorsNature Reviews Physics 2024quantum optimizationarxiv, nature
41TACOS: Topology-Aware Collective Algorithm Synthesizer for Distributed Machine Learning with Won, Elavazhagan, Srinivasan, KrishnaMICRO 2024 machine learning, optimization, acceleratorsarxiv
40Sequential Sampling for Functional Estimation via SIEVE, with Benevento, Pacella and PaynabarQuality and Reliability Engineering International 2024function estimationlink
39Secretary Problems with Biased Evaluations using Partial Ordinal Information with SalemManagement Science 2023* (#20)fairness, secretary problemspaper
38Reducing the Filtering Effect in Public School Admissions: A Bias-aware Analysis for Targeted Interventions with Faenza and ZhangSIAM Applied Computational and Discrete Algorithms (ACDA) 2023
fairness, admissionsarxiv
37Which L_p norm is the fairest? Approximations for fair facility location across all “p” – with Moondra, SinghACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2023fairness, optimization, approximationarxiv
36Discovering Opportunities in New York City’s Discovery Program: an Analysis of Affirmative Action Mechanisms  with Faenza, ZhangACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2023fairness, mechanism designarxiv
35Using Algorithms to Tame Discrimination: A Path to Algorithmic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – with Desai, SalemUC Davis Law Review, 2023law, fairnessssrn
34Classically-inspired Mixers for QAOA Beat Goemans-Williamson’s Max-Cut at Low Circuit Depths, with Tate, Moondra, Gard, Mohler Quantum 2023quantum, optimizationarxiv
33Hardness and Approximation of Submodular Minimum Linear Ordering Problems, with Farhadi, Sun, Tetali, WigalMathematical Programming 2023submodularity, approximationsarxiv
32Temporal Fairness in Online Decision-Making with Salem, KambleEthics in Artificial Intelligence: Bias, Fairness and Beyond 2023fairness, online learningchapter
31Electrical Flows over Spanning Trees with Khodabhaksh, Mortagy, NikolovaMathematical Programming B, 2022power systems, optimization, approximationlink
30Don’t let Ricci v. DeStefano Hold You Back: A Bias-Aware Legal Solution to the Hiring Paradox, with Salem and DesaiACM Fairness Accountability and Transparency (FAccT) 2022law, fairnessarxiv
29Mathematically Quantifying Gerrymandering and Non-Responsiveness of the 2021 Georgia Congressional Districting Plan with Zhao, Hettle, Mattingly, Randall, and HerschlagACM Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO) 2022fairness, gerrymandering, samplingarxiv
28Generating Target Graph Couplings for QAOA from Native Quantum Hardware Couplings with Rajakumar, Moondra and HeroldPhysical Review A, 2022quantum, approximation, optimizationarxiv
27Bridging Classical and Quantum using SDP initialized warm-starts for QAOA with Tate, Farhadi, Herold and MohlerACM Transactions of Quantum Computing, 2022quantum, optimization, approximationarxiv
26Algorithmic Challenges in Ensuring Fairness at the Time of Decision with Salem and KambleWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2022
fairness, learning, pricingarxiv
25Individual Fairness in Hindsight with KambleJournal of Machine Learning Research, JMLR 2021* (#15)fairness, online learningarxiv
24Reusing Combinatorial Structure: Faster Iterative Projections over Submodular Base Polytopes with Moondra, MortagyNeural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021submodularity, machine learning, optimizationarxiv
23Balanced Redistricting for Faster Emergency Response under Imbalanced Historic Data with Hettle, Zhu and XieFoundations of Responsible Computing, FORC 2021fairness, districtingarxiv, talk
22Generating clusters for urban logistics in hyperconnected networks with Hettle, Faugere, Kwon, MontreuilInternational Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) 2021fairness, districting, logisticslink
21Closing the GAP: Mitigating Bias in Online Résumé-Filtering with SalemWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2020fairness, secretary problemslink
20Group-Fair Online Allocation in Continuous Time with Cayci, EryilmazNeural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020fairness, online learningarxiv
19Walking in the Shadow: A New Perspective on Descent Directions for Constrained Minimization with Mortagy, PokuttaNeural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020optimization, continuous, discretearxiv
18An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing using a Graphical Representation with Cohen, Kalas and PerakisProduction and Operations Management (POMS) 2020pricing, approximationlink
17Too many fairness metrics: Is there a solution? Equity across Demographic Groups for the Facility Location Problem with Jalan, Ranade, Yang, ZhuangFields Institute Communication Series (conditionally accepted) and EDSC 2020fairness, facility location, data analyticsssrn
16Individual Fairness in Hindsight with KambleACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2019 (best paper candidate)fairness, learningarxiv
15Computational Comparison of Metaheuristics with Silberholz, Golden, WangHandbook of Metaheuristics, Springer, 2019heuristics, MLchapter
14Robust Look-ahead Three-phase Balancing of Uncertain Distribution Loads with Xie, GengHawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2019power systems, robust optimizationlink
13Limited Memory Kelley’s Method Converges for Composite Convex and Submodular Objectives with Udell, ZhouNeural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2018optimization paper
12Fairness in Inventory Routing with WangNeurIPS Workshop on Ethical, Social and Governance Issues in AI 2018inventory routing, fairnesslink
11A 4/3 approximation for TSP on cubic 3-edge-connected graph with Agarwal, GargOperations Research Letters, 2018approximation algorithmspaper
10What works best when? A Framework for Systematic Heuristic Evaluation with Silberholz, DunningINFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018heuristics, MLgithub
9Newton’s Method for Parametric Submodular Function Minimization with Goemans, JailletInteger Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2017submodularitylink
8Combinatorial Structure in Online and Convex OptimizationPhD Thesis, MIT 2017optimization, submodularitythesis
7Solving Combinatorial Games using Products, Projections and Lexicographically Optimal Bases with Goemans, JailletNeurIPS Workshop on Optimization for ML, 2016submodularity, optimizationarxiv, video
6The two-color Rado number for ax + by = (a+b)z with Rangan, TripathiAnnals of Combinatorics, 2015combinatoricslink
5Towards a 4/3-approximation for the Metric Traveling Salesman ProblemMaster’s Thesis, IIT Delhi 2011approximation algorithmspdf
4SPAN: A Unified Framework and Toolkit for Querying Heterogeneous Access Policies – with LeFevre, PrakashHot Topics in Security 2009security, networkspdf
Other Working Manuscripts:
3Strategies for running the QAOA at hundreds of qubits – with Augustino, Cain, Farhi, Gutmann, Ranard, Tang and Van Kirkarxivquantum computing
2Robust Classifiers using Robust Feature Augmentation  with Eykholt, Prakash, Rahmati, Vaishnavi, Zhengarxivadversarial ML
1A Scalable Robust and Adaptive Optimization Approach to Inventory Routing with Tay, Bertsimasoptonlineinventory routing