“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.“
– Isaac Newton
My research philosophy is to work on problems that not only advance our understanding of the fundamental questions in optimization and machine learning, but often also has a positive impact on the society through ensuring algorithmic fairness.
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* Note that starred journal papers also have a preliminary conference version with the number mentioned in paranthesis.
Working Papers: | ||||
Index. | Title | Venue | Area | Notes |
51 | Navigating the Social Welfare Frontier: Portfolios for Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning – with Woo Kim, Moondra, Verma, Pollack, Kong, Tambe | Under submission | reinforcement learning, fairness | arxiv |
Papers under revision: | ||||
Title | Venue | Area | Notes | |
50 | Promise of Graph Sparsification and Decomposition for Noise Reduction in QAOA: Analysis for Trapped-Ion Compilations – with Moondra, Mohler, Lotshaw | Revise and Resubmit, Quantum | quantum computing | arxiv |
49 | Improving Clinical Decision Support through Interpretable Machine Learning and Error Correction in Electronic Health Records – with Arora, Mortagy, Dwarshius, Holder, Kamaleswaran | 3nd Round of Revision at Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) | healthcare | arxiv |
48 | Walking in the Shadow: A New Perspective on Descent Directions for Constrained Minimization with Mortagy and Pokutta | Major revision at Mathematics of Operations Research (#18) | continuous optimization | arxiv |
47 | Algorithmic Challenges in Ensuring Fairness at the Time of Decision with Salem and Kamble | Minor Revision at Operations Research* (#25) | fairness, learning, pricing | arxiv |
46 | Reducing the Filtering Effect in Public School Admissions: A Bias-aware Analysis for Targeted Interventions with Faenza and Zhang | 2nd major revision at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM)* (#37) | fairness, admissions | arxiv |
Published (or Accepted) papers: | ||||
Title | Venue | Area | Notes | |
45 | Equitably allocating wildfire resilience investments for power grids: The curse of aggregation and vulnerability indices – with Pollack, Piansky, Kody and Molzahn | Applied Energy (forthcoming) | equity, power systems, wildfire, sustainability | arxiv |
44 | Fair and Reliable Reconnections for Temporary Disruptions in Electric Distribution Networks using Submodularity – with Hettle and Molzahn | INFORMS Journal on Computing 2025 (forthcoming) | power systems, optimization, approximation | arxiv | github |
43 | Balancing Notions of Equity: Approximation Algorithms for Fair Portfolio of Solutions in Combinatorial Optimization – with Moondra, Singh | SODA 2025 | fairness, approximation algorithms | arxiv |
42 | Quantum Optimization: Potential, Challenges, and the Path Forward – with 40+ authors | Nature Reviews Physics 2024 | quantum optimization | arxiv, nature |
41 | TACOS: Topology-Aware Collective Algorithm Synthesizer for Distributed Machine Learning with Won, Elavazhagan, Srinivasan, Krishna | MICRO 2024 | machine learning, optimization, accelerators | arxiv |
40 | Sequential Sampling for Functional Estimation via SIEVE, with Benevento, Pacella and Paynabar | Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2024 | function estimation | link |
39 | Secretary Problems with Biased Evaluations using Partial Ordinal Information with Salem | Management Science 2023* (#20) | fairness, secretary problems | paper |
38 | Reducing the Filtering Effect in Public School Admissions: A Bias-aware Analysis for Targeted Interventions with Faenza and Zhang | SIAM Applied Computational and Discrete Algorithms (ACDA) 2023 | fairness, admissions | arxiv |
37 | Which L_p norm is the fairest? Approximations for fair facility location across all “p” – with Moondra, Singh | ACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2023 | fairness, optimization, approximation | arxiv |
36 | Discovering Opportunities in New York City’s Discovery Program: an Analysis of Affirmative Action Mechanisms with Faenza, Zhang | ACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2023 | fairness, mechanism design | arxiv |
35 | Using Algorithms to Tame Discrimination: A Path to Algorithmic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – with Desai, Salem | UC Davis Law Review, 2023 | law, fairness | ssrn |
34 | Classically-inspired Mixers for QAOA Beat Goemans-Williamson’s Max-Cut at Low Circuit Depths, with Tate, Moondra, Gard, Mohler | Quantum 2023 | quantum, optimization | arxiv |
33 | Hardness and Approximation of Submodular Minimum Linear Ordering Problems, with Farhadi, Sun, Tetali, Wigal | Mathematical Programming 2023 | submodularity, approximations | arxiv |
32 | Temporal Fairness in Online Decision-Making with Salem, Kamble | Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Bias, Fairness and Beyond 2023 | fairness, online learning | chapter |
31 | Electrical Flows over Spanning Trees with Khodabhaksh, Mortagy, Nikolova | Mathematical Programming B, 2022 | power systems, optimization, approximation | link |
30 | Don’t let Ricci v. DeStefano Hold You Back: A Bias-Aware Legal Solution to the Hiring Paradox, with Salem and Desai | ACM Fairness Accountability and Transparency (FAccT) 2022 | law, fairness | arxiv |
29 | Mathematically Quantifying Gerrymandering and Non-Responsiveness of the 2021 Georgia Congressional Districting Plan with Zhao, Hettle, Mattingly, Randall, and Herschlag | ACM Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO) 2022 | fairness, gerrymandering, sampling | arxiv |
28 | Generating Target Graph Couplings for QAOA from Native Quantum Hardware Couplings with Rajakumar, Moondra and Herold | Physical Review A, 2022 | quantum, approximation, optimization | arxiv |
27 | Bridging Classical and Quantum using SDP initialized warm-starts for QAOA with Tate, Farhadi, Herold and Mohler | ACM Transactions of Quantum Computing, 2022 | quantum, optimization, approximation | arxiv |
26 | Algorithmic Challenges in Ensuring Fairness at the Time of Decision with Salem and Kamble | Web and Internet Economics (WINE) 2022 | fairness, learning, pricing | arxiv |
25 | Individual Fairness in Hindsight with Kamble | Journal of Machine Learning Research, JMLR 2021* (#15) | fairness, online learning | arxiv |
24 | Reusing Combinatorial Structure: Faster Iterative Projections over Submodular Base Polytopes with Moondra, Mortagy | Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021 | submodularity, machine learning, optimization | arxiv |
23 | Balanced Redistricting for Faster Emergency Response under Imbalanced Historic Data with Hettle, Zhu and Xie | Foundations of Responsible Computing, FORC 2021 | fairness, districting | arxiv, talk |
22 | Generating clusters for urban logistics in hyperconnected networks with Hettle, Faugere, Kwon, Montreuil | International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) 2021 | fairness, districting, logistics | link |
21 | Closing the GAP: Mitigating Bias in Online Résumé-Filtering with Salem | Web and Internet Economics (WINE) 2020 | fairness, secretary problems | link |
20 | Group-Fair Online Allocation in Continuous Time with Cayci, Eryilmaz | Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020 | fairness, online learning | arxiv |
19 | Walking in the Shadow: A New Perspective on Descent Directions for Constrained Minimization with Mortagy, Pokutta | Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020 | optimization, continuous, discrete | arxiv |
18 | An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing using a Graphical Representation with Cohen, Kalas and Perakis | Production and Operations Management (POMS) 2020 | pricing, approximation | link |
17 | Too many fairness metrics: Is there a solution? Equity across Demographic Groups for the Facility Location Problem with Jalan, Ranade, Yang, Zhuang | Fields Institute Communication Series (conditionally accepted) and EDSC 2020 | fairness, facility location, data analytics | ssrn |
16 | Individual Fairness in Hindsight with Kamble | ACM Economics and Computation (EC) 2019 (best paper candidate) | fairness, learning | arxiv |
15 | Computational Comparison of Metaheuristics with Silberholz, Golden, Wang | Handbook of Metaheuristics, Springer, 2019 | heuristics, ML | chapter |
14 | Robust Look-ahead Three-phase Balancing of Uncertain Distribution Loads with Xie, Geng | Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2019 | power systems, robust optimization | link |
13 | Limited Memory Kelley’s Method Converges for Composite Convex and Submodular Objectives with Udell, Zhou | Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2018 | optimization | paper |
12 | Fairness in Inventory Routing with Wang | NeurIPS Workshop on Ethical, Social and Governance Issues in AI 2018 | inventory routing, fairness | link |
11 | A 4/3 approximation for TSP on cubic 3-edge-connected graph with Agarwal, Garg | Operations Research Letters, 2018 | approximation algorithms | paper |
10 | What works best when? A Framework for Systematic Heuristic Evaluation with Silberholz, Dunning | INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018 | heuristics, ML | github |
9 | Newton’s Method for Parametric Submodular Function Minimization with Goemans, Jaillet | Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2017 | submodularity | link |
8 | Combinatorial Structure in Online and Convex Optimization | PhD Thesis, MIT 2017 | optimization, submodularity | thesis |
7 | Solving Combinatorial Games using Products, Projections and Lexicographically Optimal Bases with Goemans, Jaillet | NeurIPS Workshop on Optimization for ML, 2016 | submodularity, optimization | arxiv, video |
6 | The two-color Rado number for ax + by = (a+b)z with Rangan, Tripathi | Annals of Combinatorics, 2015 | combinatorics | link |
5 | Towards a 4/3-approximation for the Metric Traveling Salesman Problem | Master’s Thesis, IIT Delhi 2011 | approximation algorithms | |
4 | SPAN: A Unified Framework and Toolkit for Querying Heterogeneous Access Policies – with LeFevre, Prakash | Hot Topics in Security 2009 | security, networks | |
Other Working Manuscripts: | ||||
Title | Notes | Area | ||
3 | Strategies for running the QAOA at hundreds of qubits – with Augustino, Cain, Farhi, Gutmann, Ranard, Tang and Van Kirk | arxiv | quantum computing | |
2 | Robust Classifiers using Robust Feature Augmentation with Eykholt, Prakash, Rahmati, Vaishnavi, Zheng | arxiv | adversarial ML | |
1 | A Scalable Robust and Adaptive Optimization Approach to Inventory Routing with Tay, Bertsimas | optonline | inventory routing |